Loving Ultimate Reality

Loving Ultimate Reality December 11, 2009
“NT Wrong” offered an interesting response to my post about God, projection and our values. Although the points made there are important, I think that it is indeed possible to love a God who is infinite and ineffable. Scientists who love reality and love discovering even a tiny fraction more about reality are doing much the same thing. When Tillichians and others with similar theological views talk about God as “Being itself” one could just as readily say “Reality itself.”
But it remains important, in my opinion, to have one’s focus take into consideration Ultimate Reality. We all have our moral values and convictions shaped by realities that transcend us: family, community, society, and nation (to name a few). The reason for trying to acknowledge that Reality itself transcends these authorities and influences is precisely in the hope that we might at times be open to seeing things in a different way, and acknowledging (even if we can’t always see it ourselves) that there is a perspective from which the limitations of our personal, communal and even human perspectives are readily noticeable.
As for loving Neighbors, personally I always preferred Home and Away
And now it looks like the good Doctor has regenerated once again. I wonder whether, once he’s recovered from the process, he shall agree with me more or less than the regeneration with whom I’ve been in conversation so far!

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