Cake or Death?

Cake or Death? January 12, 2010

A student sent me a link to a video – it is an Eddie Izzard sketch on fundamentals of the Church of England, enacted and illustrated using Legos. And since I try to keep abreast of all developments at the intersection of religion and Legos, I thought I should share it.

Historically, of course, the Church of England has indeed taken a firm stance on certain things other than cake with the vicar and threatened non-conformists with death. Be that as it may, those who know and love the Anglican/Episcopal tradition in its contemporary form may still find some amusement in the video.

Elsewhere on the web, I came across an article “What I Learned From Christian Rock” by Ryan Wasoba. The article is at Crawdaddy, which is the journalism component of the Wolfgang’s Vault site, an online archive of music performances that is itself worth a look if you haven’t explored it already.

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