Howard Hanson’s Symphony No.2

Howard Hanson’s Symphony No.2 February 24, 2010

Someone observed to me recently that I haven’t been mentioning in my Facebook status as much as I used to what pieces of music I’ve been listening to. It is a result of not listening as often as I’d like, more than anything else.

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to get in my car and turn on the radio just as one of my favorite pieces of music was starting. Howard Hanson’s Symphony No.2, “Romantic,” is a beautiful piece of music, one that refreshes and invigorates the listener emotionally/spiritually.

If you’ve never heard the piece, there are at least two places where you can listen to it online.

There is an NPR program from 2005 which begins with this symphony (the entire thing, with some introductory commentary, is available online).

There is also an Italian site which allows you to either listen online or download the recording as an mp3.


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