Around the Blogosphere: From The Sublime To The Surreal To The Student Journal

Around the Blogosphere: From The Sublime To The Surreal To The Student Journal June 30, 2010

There has been a lot of interesting stuff around the blogosphere today, including in unexpected places. I usually look to IO9 for science fiction updates, but today they had a post about developing computer programs to decipher languages, and it was tested on Ugaritic!

Meanwhile the blog I recently discovered, Jesus Needs New PR, shared a video of one of the least intelligible โ€œargumentsโ€ Iโ€™ve ever encountered to support any point of view, anywhere, ever. It came from another blog which was new to me, Stuff Fundies Like, which also had this poster to share:

Of course, the allusion is to a story that has been discussed here before.

Iโ€™ve saved the serious stuff for last. Via DukeNewt and Evangelical Textual Criticism, I learned that there is a new journal in which students can publish their New Testament research. It looks like a fantastic opportunity.

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