Bob Cargill on Doubt

Bob Cargill on Doubt September 10, 2010

Bob Cargill, fellow scholar and biblioblogger, discusses doubt in relation to his own Christian faith and faith in general. And he even quotes from me in the process! This is a guest post, “The Skeptic in the Sanctuary,” on Jason Boyett’s blog “O Me Of Little Faith” on Beliefnet.

Here’s a sample: “Christians must have the faith to doubt and ask the hard questions. If God is who the Bible claims he is, he can stand a few pointed questions. True faith is the confidence that God can survive human reasoning; for what God worth worshipping cannot withstand a few logical arguments?…Those who refrain from asking the penetrating questions and who teach their children to do likewise are not exhibiting faith; rather, they are betraying their glaring doubt that God and their tenuous system of beliefs can survive simple inquiry.”

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