Practical, Progressive and Problematic Christianity around the Blogosphere

Practical, Progressive and Problematic Christianity around the Blogosphere January 30, 2011

Diglotting discusses the “Tweet Your Creed Meme” and proposes the Golden Rule. Daniel Manastireanu has a sermon that does something similar, asking what single verse encapsulates his life philosophy, and proposes Micah 6:8: “Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.”

Like A Child asks for testimonies about how people who embrace evolution and reject Biblical inerrancy have managed to preserve Christian faith.

Hemant Mehta shares a statistic that 13% of American school teachers of science advocate creationism.

Jerry Coyne met with a group of liberal Christians, seemingly for the first time. John Pieret thinks it is about time.

Jen McCreight shares this video of Ken Ham seeking to defend the Noah’s Ark Theme Park as worthy of state support.

And Irtiqa shares a clip of Bill Maher discussing climate change with some politicians, and in the process Congressman Jack Kingston’s stance on evolution (which he doesn’t understand) becomes apparent as well.

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