Hello, Patheos!

Hello, Patheos! May 18, 2011

The generic first blog post is titled “Hello, World!” Since my blog Exploring Our Matrix has been around for years, and is simply moving to a new home at Patheos, I thought I would start with a post introducing the blog and its author to readers who may discover it here for the first time.

I’m James F. McGrath, and I teach religion at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana in the United States.

I blog about some of my research and teaching interests (such as the historical figure of Jesus, the intersection of religion and science, evolution, young-earth creationism and Intelligent Design, and religion and science fiction) as well as side interests and things I find amusing.

The folks at Patheos are working on moving the archives of my blog here, but if you’ve just found this blog for the first time and are wondering whether you are likely to find it worth returning to, feel free to pay a visit to Exploring Our Matrix on Blogger and take a look at what’s there. Only the location of my blog is changing – my interests and sense of humor, for better or worse, remain the same, and so what you find over there is what you can expect here in days to come.

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