Funny Video Overload

Funny Video Overload August 23, 2011

On blogs I read, the past few days have seen the sharing of the following videos. You are bound to really love at least one, and will most likely enjoy all of them.

First, via IO9 here’s Brent Spiner (aka Cmd. Data) doing his impressive Patrick Steward (aka Jean-Luc Picard) impression:

Via Marc Cortez, the world record for parallel parking (very useful on most campuses if you can learn to do it as per the video):

Via Irtiqa, a video that will ensure that you never hear Tom Waits again without thinking of Cookie Monster:

Via Brad Matthies, Butler’s new students make a Bulldog (it’s funny the hoops we make freshmen jump through):

And although I can’t embed it, click through to see Stephen Colbert talk about Adam and Eve as well as gay marriage.

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