Biblical Studies Carnival 69 at Remnant of Giants

Biblical Studies Carnival 69 at Remnant of Giants November 30, 2011

As a Doctor Who fan, I was tempted to call this “Carnival of Giants” as a mash-up of two episode titles, “Carnival of Monsters” and “Planet of the Giants.” But even though I didn’t, there is still a giant carnival over at Deane Galbraith’s blog Remnant of Giants. There are some posts from here and lots from elsewhere, including blogging related to the recent AAR and SBL conferences.

Related to SBL, Jim Linville posted on the (un)holy alliance between SBL and organizations which take a theological, confessional approach to the Bible, such as the Society for Pentecostal Studies. This was sparked by an opinion piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education by Jacques Berlinerblau on that topic. Daniel McClellan then chimed in, and made this wonderfully sarcastic image to accompany his thoughts on the topic:


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