How To Get Me A Christmas Present That Costs You Nothing And That Others Can Enjoy Too!

How To Get Me A Christmas Present That Costs You Nothing And That Others Can Enjoy Too! December 9, 2011

If you’ve ever thought that maybe it would be nice to give a Christmas present to a blogger whose blog you read regularly, then here’s a suggestion for a “present” you can get me that won’t cost you anything but a few moments of your time.

Go to your local university or public library’s web site and see how one submits recommendations for new books the library should acquire. Most will have a form that can be filled in, but some will have an e-mail address for you to send suggestions to.

Ask them to order Religion and Science Fiction edited by James F. McGrath and published by Pickwick Publications (an imprint of Wipf and Stock) in 2011. The ISBN numbers are:

  • ISBN-10: 160899886X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1608998869

You can just copy and paste the information from here to the form or e-mail. And you might be able to just give them this link to the publisher’s web site:

The book will then sell more copies, which will be your Christmas present to me. It will be in libraries, where more people can read it, which will be your Christmas present to them.

And you will feel just that little bit more Christmassy. So everyone wins!

And of course, if you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Newtonmas, all of the above applies equally well!

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