A 3D History of the Holy Sepulcher

A 3D History of the Holy Sepulcher February 14, 2012

Thanks to Helek Tov for sharing this video, which allows one to see the history of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the constructions, renovations, and changes made to it, and even the history of the site prior to the time of Constantine, all in 3D. If you’ve been there, you will know that the church is, as the video suggests, a bit like a puzzle, and both finding one’s way and interpreting what one is seeing can be challenging for those who have not studied the church and its history. So thank you to Pro Terra Sancta for making this video and for making it available!

I do need to add that the treatment of the period of the Gospels in the video is a simplistic combination of archaeological data and information provided in the Gospels, combined uncritically. (On that topic, see my book The Burial of Jesus which is about to be re-released in a second edition as an eBook by Patheos Press!) If one takes seriously Mark’s clues that Jesus was given a dishonorable burial, in a tomb used for the burial of criminals on that location, then the archaeological and textual data fit together far better.

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