And The Award For Best Blog Post Title Goes To…

And The Award For Best Blog Post Title Goes To… March 15, 2013

I think Rachel Held Evans definitely deserves an award for the title of her post today, about the Personal Promise Bible. In case you haven’t heard of it, this Bible adds your name into many verses, so that you can read them as though it were written specifically for you.

The title of Rachel’s post encapsulates the very important point she makes ever so nicely and succinctly:

The Bible: It’s Just Not That Into You

You’ll often hear people refer to the Bible as a “love letter from God.” You’ll encounter people who reject the meaning Genesis would have had in its original context in order to insist that it must provide modern scientific information. Time and time again, modern readers read the Bible with the focus on them as individuals. And more often than not, that focus itself cuts across the grain of the Bible’s own emphases and the cultural assumptions of its authors.

But perhaps there should be an award for the funniest and simultaneously creepiest way of showing the problem with this approach. Joel Watts showed what the Song of Songs looks like if written specifically for him

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