Nothing New Under The Sun

Nothing New Under The Sun June 28, 2013

It is being reported that Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert is saying that same-sex marriage is something that has historically been introduced at the end of a civilization's history. He appeals in support of this claim to Solomon as the “most wise man” [sic] and his statement that “there is nothing new under the sun.”

Solomon, of course, is a great person to appeal to in favor of traditional marriage. Not the recent American version of marriage involving one man and one woman. No, the much more traditional version, of one man and as many wives and concubines as he pleases and can afford.

There is indeed nothing new under the sun. Objectors to social change have been decrying innovations they dislike as liable to cause the downfall of civilization since time immemorial. And often quoting sacred texts that do not really help their cause as part of their case.


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