Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere October 14, 2013

There are so many interesting posts today on blogs that I subscribe to, as well as a few backlogged ones that I had not managed to find the time to blog about yet, that I thought it made sense to do a round-up.

I can start with Larry Hurtado, who posted about a week ago on a topic that has been central to his research for many years, the distinctive devotional practices of the early Christians and their relationship to their Christology. He also asked whether Jesus demanded to be worshiped, and Andrew Perriman interacted with his post on his own blog. Hurtado also mentioned the new edition of Bousset’s Christos Kyrios, and shared his own introduction to it.

Kevin Brown discussed whether Richard Carrier will be the end of mythicism. A key quote (taken from an earlier review post) gets at a crucial point: “But even if Bayes’s Theorem truly is a useful heuristic tool and a constructive approach for the study of the historical Jesus and Christian origins, we would need someone who possesses an actual understanding of the field to be able to fruitfully utilize it.”

Josh Mann discussed Joseph Atwill’s hermeneutic of conspiracy.

Scot McKnight blogged about Star Wars reboot and the Bible.  He also discussed the idolatry of certainty. Andrew Knapp discussed why crises of faith should not be avoided. Daniel Hamlin shared an example of one from his own experience. Tyler Francke shared an anonymous testimony, also related to evolution. And Jonny Scaramanga blogged about telling lies in God’s name.

Jim Davila and Luke Chandler highlighted a story in the Christian Science Monitor on the Bible and archaeology.

Judith Lieu gave a lecture on Marcion and the corruption of the Gospel:

Unreasonable Faith looked at Jerome as evidence that modesty shaming is nothing new.

Travis Cooper discussed evangelicalism’s shifting boundaries.

Jerry Coyne argued that you can prove a negative, if one is dealing with specific positive theistic claims and the evidence does not fit those claims.

Finally, David Hayward shared this cartoon of an inappropriate t-shirt:

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