GERT at SBL October 23, 2013

Randall Tan passed on this information, which is also on the Biblical Humanities website:

The proposed Global Education & Research Technology (GERT) section at SBL is organizing additional meetings on Friday, Nov 22, 2013, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., just prior to the start of the SBL Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. This is in addition to our two normally-scheduled sessions during SBL (for details on those sessions, please see

We have an informal agenda & meeting structure with distinct topics for each hour:

    9:00-9:50 a.m. Putting Global Educational Resources on the Agenda
    10:00-10:50 a.m. Open Global Language Research & Language Learning Resources
    11:00-11:50 a.m. Moodle Systems for Open Global Education
    12:00-12:50 p.m. Setting a New Open Global Agenda
    1:00-1:50 p.m. Emerging Technologies, Universities, & Open Global Learning
    Shortly after the last session, by 2 p.m., join optional group(s) focusing on a new open global agenda(s) heading for a late lunch

We invite you to join us for the whole of our meeting or for any part that interests you.

The venue we are renting is the 5th floor boardroom of the Lutheran Center, headquarters to Lutheran World Relief as well as Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, at 700 Light Street, Baltimore, MD United States 21230. The Lutheran Center is an architecturally-distinctive, centrally-located building just 0.4 miles from the Baltimore Convention Center. For directions, please see

In accordance with the normal procedure of our gracious hosts, all guests at the Lutheran Center must sign in at the front desk & proceed to the security desk upon arrival to be guided to the boardroom. Please identify yourself as attending the Global Education & Research Technology (GERT) meetings. For more information about & to support the work of our gracious hosts, please check out &

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