Fictions and Facts about Jesus

Fictions and Facts about Jesus December 22, 2015

Dale Tuggy shared this image on his blog, along with some thoughts on it:

wpid-Photo-20151221222434976.jpgTuggy’s comment on it is worth sharing:

This argument kills with 8th-graders. But any adults should be unimpressed. I’ll wager that any adult can think of many written reports that are important evidence for all kinds of claims!

Dear would-be Jesus de-bunker: kindly reflect on this fact. 0% of historians believe Batman is a real guy. And rounding up (to account for a very, very few kooks) 100% of historians believe that Jesus was a real Jewish man. Now, why is this?

Click through to read the rest. He doesn’t do mainstream scholarship any favors by appealing to Michael Kruger, of course. See also Stephen Bedard’s comparison of Jesus mythicists and young-earth creationists.

Other than Ken Ham and fundamentalists like him, I know of no one who thinks “I have this book” proves anything. And other than mythicists, I know of no one who thinks that showing that such claims are ridiculous says anything about what we should think regarding scientific, historical, or other matters. And so the above meme provides further evidence that mythicists and young-earth creationists are mirror images of one another, equally ridiculous despite their different ideologies, because they approach their diametrically opposed ideologies in strikingly similar ways.





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