#CFP Jewish Science Fiction and Fantasy Criticism

#CFP Jewish Science Fiction and Fantasy Criticism October 26, 2020

Valerie Estelle Frankel shared this via RelCFP:

Hello, everyone. I’m editing a series with Rowman & Littlefield/Lexington on a line of academic books critically analyzing elements of Jewish science fiction and fantasy (that’s the series title). As such, I’d love some authors with concepts to write about.

At this stage, a paragraph-long proposal emailed to valerie@calithwain.com with a subject of JEWISH SPEC-FIC would be great. Here are some examples:

The Secret Jewish Roots of Star Wars (or some other top franchise)

Batwoman to Felicity: Jewish Characters in the Arrowverse

Rewriting the Narrative: Jewish Fairytale Novels

Jewish Alt-History

Kabbalah in Pop Culture

Israeli Dystopian Cinema

The Jewish Outsider as Werewolf

Jewish-Flavored Filk

Halacha in Space

Pop Culture Haggadahs

Revising the Big Franchises through Jewish Fanfic

The Works of _______.

I’m looking for topics that haven’t been done to death, so Jews and Comics seems a little too obvious, but most other topics are open. Along with all the subgenres, writing about any mediums (novels, short stories cartoons, webcomics, fanfic, films) and works from any countries/cultures are acceptable. As the examples show, you might go big or small, including a single franchise, author, issue, or genre. Treatment of Jews in science fiction (including by non-Jewish authors) would be acceptable as would something on fandom, current or historical. Interdisciplinary/film criticism/literary criticism/fan studies/minority studies are all welcome. Anthologies are also possible.

I’m also seeking essays for several anthologies that will go in the series. At this point, I don’t have firm topics planned (I might do Jewish representation in SF and F and A Jewish Author’s Perspective, for instance), but you’re welcome to send abstracts and specify that they’re for essay length projects.

Due date: Both proposals and final project deadlines are quite flexible at this point, as I already have a few years of material, but much more is welcome.

Questions at valerie@calithwain.com are also welcome.

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