Beholding Glory

Beholding Glory September 15, 2022

Recent years have seen a lot of firsts for me, publishing my first short story followed quickly by several others, including in subgenres ranging from flash fiction through to novelette. Now I’ve had my first poem published, assuming that posting them on my blog doesn’t count (nor anything that appeared in an elementary school creation). I have dabbled in poetry from time to time, and of course have written song lyrics, but it was the theme proposed for Volume 6 of Jesus The Imagination: A Journal of Spiritual Revolution that led me to write and submit this. That theme is Flesh and Spirit. Those words play an important role throughout the New Testament and in Christian theology down the ages, including in texts that I have studied academically and at the same time wrestled with personally and spiritually. My poem appears on pp. 54-55 of the volume, published by Angelico Press. I am including the text of the poem below. You can read the introduction to the volume by its editor Michael Martin hereread the introduction to the volume by its editor Michael Martin here.


Beholding Glory

Within, through, beyond your fleshly form

We glimpsed something

Encounter with the divine

We yearned for more

Fixated, we elaborated

Wrapped you in doctrines like linen sheets

Until your flesh and blood blurred and shimmered

We hewed a tomb of dogma

Harder than the toughest stone

Our words at once mausoleum and idol

Hiding your physical form away

We cut off from ourselves

the lifeblood that flowed through you

to quench our thirst

and give life to our branches

Help us look again with fresh eyes

With flesh eyes

Realize we’ve no others with which to behold

any glimpse of glory we might perceive

Roll away the idol we have made

with which we sought to seal you in

Confining you to the past

the abstract

the comforting and comfortable

the mental

the celestial

safer for us, we imagined

though dead

Let your fleshly form walk forth

Meet us anew

By the shore of our first encounter

An unsatisfying yet delicious glimpse

Of sun-darkened skin

Rough from labor

A face ever familiar, yet ever strange –

Like any other human visage

An old friend met again

In the warmth of hot coals

Over a breakfast of baked fish

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