Rather Umid?

Rather Umid? February 3, 2010
I took a trip to Best Buy yesterday to look at netbooks and ebook readers. The Sony ereader they had was not functioning – not a great advertisement for the device. But I was impressed by how much smaller netbooks have become than they were even the last time I looked at them.

Browsing online, I came across some that are even smaller than the ones on display at the store. The Sony VAIO for instance. But the smallest there is, I believe, is the Umid mbook. I had never even heard of them before, but they seem to offer what many of us have long dreamed of: a full-fledged computer that fits in one’s pocket.

Has anyone ever come across these before? I’m sure they have advantages and disadvantages to them (especially if one has to get used to typing with one’s thumbs – but it may be possible, if not always convenient, to type in the conventional fashion on the mbook’s tiny keyboard). But they certainly seem worth mentioning here and talking about, given our recent discussions about ideal devices. It may not be ideal, but it certainly seems to represent an interesting step in a certain direction!

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