How I Know Barack Obama Is The Rightful Pope

How I Know Barack Obama Is The Rightful Pope August 12, 2009
Because of all the speculation about Obama being the antichrist, we’ve been distracted from the obvious truth: not only is he not the antichrist, but he is the rightful Pope.

Using methods that have been proven effective in YouTube videos and other internet venues, but using them better, I’ve uncovered the following:

First, it is clear that “Barack” is not from the same root as the Hebrew word baraq which means “lightning”. As many have pointed out, Jesus would have spoken Aramaic, not Hebrew. In Aramaic, “bar” means “son of”, as in the well-known example Simon bar Yona, “Simon the son of Jonah”. Indeed, it is as though the Gospel authors wanted to ensure that this clue would not be missed, nor would its connection with Peter, when they included his Aramaic name in such detail. For who is the one whose name is changed to “rock”? None other than Peter, the first pope. And so who is bar-rock, the son of the one called rock? The son of St. Peter!

We know from the New Testament that Peter was married (it mentions his mother-in-law, and let’s be serious: would anyone take on just a mother-in-law, without getting a wife in the process?). Yet because of the rise of celibacy in the church, this truth has been obscured. Indeed, it was for this reason that Peter’s son had to go into hiding, to protect his father’s status as pope.

It was presumably to Ireland that he and his mother fled, and this explains his surname. Once again, it has been shown that the Hebrew “and” would have been pronounced “u”, not “o”. But “O'” is a common prefix in Irish surnames meaning “son of”. And who would “O’Bamah”, the “son of the (one seated in the) high place”, be understood to be in Ireland? Who but the son of St. Peter, the son of the one in the exalted position of occupying St. Peter’s throne in the Vatican. Could the evidence be any plainer?

This of course also explains why there has been such confusion about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. They are all forgeries, since he is nearly 2,000 years old. Well, all except this one.

The identity of the antichrist may still be uncertain, but obviously the anti-pope is the one currently occupying the role and preventing Barack Obama, the son of St. Peter, from taking his rightful place. They have fought before and it did not go well for the son of Peter. Perhaps next time will be different.

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