Solutions for Homosexual Christians

Solutions for Homosexual Christians September 20, 2008

Christians with possessions face a problem, at least in theory, because they are living in direct disobedience to an explicit command of Jesus, found in Luke 14:33. But several interpretative options to get around this have long been used. It is generally considered enough to give up some possessions, or unnecessary or superfluous ones. Alternatively, some (in particular rich Christians, which includes most Christians in the United States considered in a global context) would say that what matters is to not be attached to possessions, rather than literally giving them up.

For the sake of equity, it is only fair that homosexual Christians be given these same interpretative options when it comes to passages that may raise questions for them. If gay and lesbian Christians simply give up superfluous sex with a person of the same gender, or they surrender their attachment to it, that should be enough to satisfy any Christian who owns possessions.

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