August 21, 2009

Congratulations to Butler University, to all my colleagues and co-workers, on being ranked #2 in the recent U.S. News and World Report rankings, in its category of Midwestern Master’s level comprehensive universities! Read more

August 21, 2009

There are a few recent posts that I thought I’d highlight. First, Celucien Joseph has continued the conversation about Liberal Christianity. I’m not sure if he really gets what Liberal Christianity is (apart from a Conservative stereotype he may have heard), and I suspect he’d be surprised to find how many exegetes he’s read would fit aptly into that category. But at least the conversation is continuing. Next, Drew Tatusko explains that you might be a “liberal” even if you... Read more

August 21, 2009

As others have done, I’m sharing the syllabi for the classes I’ll be teaching this semester. The Bible The Historical Jesus Students will probably not look at them until classes start next week (some will most likely never look at them, but that is another issue), and so feedback and suggestions for improvement are welcome. Read more

August 20, 2009

I was looking for a reference (one that I remembered citing before in discussions of the use of “God” in a broader sense in the context of early Jewish and Jewish-Christian monotheism), and found it – embedded in a preview of my book The Only True God on Google Books! So I thought I’d share it here – perhaps it will persuade a few more people to buy their own copy. When it comes to matters of the Christology of... Read more

August 20, 2009

The Ongoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus had this gem of a cartoon today: And Irenic Thoughts shared this quote from Anne Lamott: “You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” Meanwhile Notes From Off Center shared an example of precisely that sort of thing. Read more

August 20, 2009

Today is the 125th anniversary of the birth of New Testament scholar Rudolf Bultmann. It is hard to think of another example of an individual who integrated as totally the attempt to address matters of Biblical studies, philosophy, theology and practice. This doesn’t necessarily mean that his attempt to do so does not also expose some of the difficulties of trying to do that. But if one thinks one should integrate one’s worldview and life as a whole in this... Read more

August 19, 2009

Just a quick post to draw attention to two web sites/new posts that were drawn to my attention in e-mails today. The first is by Jim Burklo at the Center for Progressive Christianity site, musing on the question “Who Is Your Jesus?” The second is a web site set up by the United Church of Christ about the relationship between science and religion, entitled “Not Mutually Exclusive”. Both are likely to be of interest to at least some blog readers. Read more

August 18, 2009

I have long had the habit of working to music. Today as I worked on my syllabi and checked corrections to a chapter I’ve contributed to a forthcoming book, I have been listening to an album featuring the music of Joseph Schwantner, with Evelyn Glennie as soloist. The final track is a piece called “New Morning For The World“, with the subtitle “Daybreak of Freedom”. The piece features a narrator reciting words from speeches by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King... Read more

August 18, 2009

I have a question for professors, students, former students and other people with opinions on this subject. If you’ve taught a one-semester course on the whole Bible, did you get students to read the whole Bible, or just some select passages? In the past I’ve done the latter, and I’m inclined to stick with that approach, since I’m afraid that any attempt to read the whole thing would involve much more skimming and much less attention to detail, resulting in... Read more

August 18, 2009

Another blog I read even though its author and I often disagree is Answers in Genesis Busted. Today that blog offered a response to my post that was in turn a response to several posts on Debunking Christianity. I love it when a bloggersation comes together! The AIGBusted post is about the “bankruptcy of liberal Christianity“. I responded briefly in a comment on that blog, and will try to expand my thoughts on the subject here. AIGBusted claims that “What... Read more

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