July 11, 2009

Although I am a Protestant, I must confess that the idea of ‘sola Scriptura’, of ‘Scripture alone’, doesn’t work. It could perhaps theoretically work in Islam, where one can (assuming one doesn’t take a critical approach to the text) assume the unity of the book as a given. In the case of the Bible, such assumptions are impossible. In order to speak of ‘Scripture’, one has to accept the authority not only of those Jews and Christians who made the... Read more

July 9, 2009

In their book on Rumor Psychology Nicholas DiFonzo and Prashant Bordia mention the concept of “Matthew Accuracy”. Deriving its name from the principle in the Gospel of Matthew that “to the one who has more will be given, but from the one who does not have even the little he has will be taken away”, Matthew Accuracy denotes the tendency of truthful rumors to become more truthful, while false rumors tend to become more false (pp.152-4). If it could be... Read more

July 7, 2009

The world we live in is full of mysteries. When we envisage the self-replicating molecules that drive life on this planet, we wonder how they could have arisen, and we seek explanations. Likewise with the very fact than anything exists at all, we wonder why there is something rather than nothing. To say “God did it” is not an explanation. To suggest that an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient being is somehow self explanatory and a way to eliminate mystery is misguided.... Read more

July 5, 2009

For many fans of Doctor Who, among our favorite episodes are the ones where the Doctor encounters his earlier selves – which inevitably leads to arguments! Although intended primarily for comic value, I presume, there is an important insight in these episodes. If I were to meet an earlier me, I would encounter a person very different from the one I am today, and I can easily imagine arguments ensuing, as I who I am today tried to share what... Read more

July 3, 2009

For those who are enthusiastic about the voices calling for a return to or preservation of the Christian foundations of our society, you will probably find yourself largely in agreement with the sentiment of another famous politician, who said: The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality. Today Christians stand at the head of our country.... Read more

July 2, 2009

Pat McCullough has posted Biblical Studies Carnival 43, in the form of a ‘recently discovered text’ called “The Apocalypse of Eve”. Take a look! Read more

July 2, 2009

I couldn’t resist the opportunity to have a blog post with such a striking title. But of course, it is the blog The Church of Jesus Christ that has begun to consider (and blog about) my recent book, The Only True God. Given that the blogger in question goes by the nickname Polycarp, it will be obvious how many potentially striking church history-related headlines I had to pass up… Read more

July 1, 2009

There are things your minister, pastor, priest or preacher would love to be able to tell you, but cannot because of concerns about job security. I am not only thinking about the scandalous revelations that occasionally come to light, nor even the relatively minor fact that your pastor sometimes comes to the pulpit the same way all of us come to church at times – feeling less than inspired, having just argued with a spouse, or in some other way... Read more

July 1, 2009

The Biblioblog Top 50 list for June 2009 has been posted. Read more

June 30, 2009

I don’t have time to put together a post with a round-up of all the interesting posts around the blogosphere today, so I will simply point readers to the sidebar on this blog with posts I’ve recently read and chose to share. Someone found their way to this blog today by searching for “why are some churches saying obama is the antichrist and something about a fly”. And so I’m confident that whether you are looking for something very specific... Read more

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