June 6, 2009

The long-awaited humorous recap of the season finale of LOST is now available. Enjoy! lost untangled finale season5by lyly_ford Read more

June 5, 2009

Dale Allison’s recent book The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus is simply fantastic. It refuses to separate unnecessarily matters of history and faith, yet neither does it run them together in ways that are inappropriate. It refuses to simply take for granted the assumptions of either conservatives or liberals, challenging many of our basic assumptions about history and historical methodology as well. I highly recommend it. Allison begins by reviewing the history of Christian thinkers’ awareness of discrepancies and... Read more

June 5, 2009

“The primary questions people pose—Why the universe? Does God exist?—are important, sure, but they are not bedrock fundamental. “Why anything at all?” is the ultimate question.” — Robert Lawrence Kuhn, “Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?” Religion and Science Today Read more

June 4, 2009

As a Liberal Christian who has been a vocal opponent of young-earth creationists, cdesign proponentsists and other pseudoscientific movements both on my blog and in the classroom, I can only respond to Jason Rosenhouse’s recent post on the incompatibility of science and religion as follows: “Huh?!” The point of emphasizing the compatibility of religious beliefs and science doesn’t have anything to do with Liberal Christians, except to the extent that Liberal Christians are usually people who already embrace the findings... Read more

June 3, 2009

Ethics Daily picked up some of my blogging about what we’ve done recently in my Sunday school class, looking into the subject of Islam. Do pay them a visit if you have a few moments! Read more

June 2, 2009

I will be preaching this coming Sunday at my church, and the text I’ve chosen is John 1:1-18. I’ve devoted quite a bit of scholarly attention to that familiar and well-worn passage (two chapters in John’s Apologetic Christology, for instance), but in the past I’ve avoided preaching on it, perhaps out of a concern that I might not be able to resist going into more detail than anyone in the congregation was likely to find interesting. One subject related to... Read more

June 2, 2009

Jim Getz has posted Biblical Studies Carnival 42. Don’t panic, it is mostly harmless… Read more

June 1, 2009

I just had a brief conversation with another church member (he also teaches Sunday school) which managed in a very short time to touch on evolution, the dome in Genesis 1, JEPD and Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, and the perfection and knowledge of Jesus. The individual in question suggested that, if Jesus was mistaken about evolution, then that meant Jesus sinned. A couple of preliminary points before my main one. First, I have no interest in defending Jesus’ sinlessness,... Read more

May 31, 2009

The Biblioblog Top 50 for this past month (May 2009) has been posted. I didn’t do too badly, and am simply grateful that my status as a biblioblog hasn’t been revoked when most of my posts this past month have been about LOST, panentheism, and various other topics that may well be very interesting (I certainly think they are), but are only marginally biblioblogical. The biblioblog listings are always worth a look, even for those who keep an eye on... Read more

May 29, 2009

“The Discovery Institute seems to have given up on the pretense that intelligent design is a scientific enterprise. As in, this pretense is no more. It has ceased to be. It’s expired and gone to meet its Maker. It’s a stiff, bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn’t have nailed it to the perch it’d be pushing up the daisies. It’s rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-pretense!” — Cheryl Shepherd-Adams... Read more

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