January 7, 2009

I’ve neglected for a while to mention when new installments in the Battlestar Galactica webisode series The Face of the Enemy have been made available, but I thought I’d mention the most recent, #9, since it includes a discussion of the human tendency (and ability) to see (or not see) what we want to. You can find the episode as well as all previous ones on SciFi.com and Hulu. http://www.hulu.com/embed/CG41of9kc1-o7S5FEoezKg There are all sorts of other interesting things at Hulu,... Read more

January 7, 2009

Having posted several pieces both here and elsewhere on the subject of homosexuality, marriage, and the Bible, I suppose some readers may have been wondering about my own sexual orientation. And so, even though it may cost me some conservative Christian readers, I thought it was time to reveal the truth: I am a heterosexual. Those of you who have met me face to face or have seen photos of me probably guessed already that I’m straight, based on how... Read more

January 7, 2009

AIG Busted shared this video – the last in a long series, apparently, addressing the ways in which antiscientific creationists approach the evidence and why it is so problematic. The very ending will make it worth having watched the whole thing through. If this isn’t your cup of tea, you could always try the video shared by Friendly Atheist with monkeys discussing religion. It isn’t inherently atheistic, but illustrates that we speak about God and religion not only from a... Read more

January 6, 2009

I would have made the quotation below, attributed to Albert Einstein, a “quote of the day”, but I have yet to find the original source from which it derives. If you know where it comes from, do let me know! “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. … I get most joy in life out of... Read more

January 6, 2009

Several other bloggers posted the “film rating” for their blog, and I’ve been meaning to do so as well. Having finally gotten around to it, here is the result: Perhaps having a plan for a rational dialogue and interaction is what helps keep things civil here. Although I doubt any of us gives the forethought to our commenting that is required by the Air Force: I do love a good flow chart, though, no matter what the occasion… Read more

January 6, 2009

Michael Barton and John Pieret address some myths about Darwin. Matt addresses some creationist “arguments” that have been refuted over and over again, and yet continue to be used. PZ Myers plays ping-pong with a poorly-informed science teacher. If you don’t want your children to grow up to spout nonsense on the subject of evolution, these resources may help. Creationism makes its mark at Religion Dispatches. Tripp Fuller discusses Whitehead’s notion of religion as world-loyalty. And while Lee Strobel has... Read more

January 6, 2009

The name “God” stands for all those qualities in the world and in ourselves which our religious tradition labels as divine, that is, as comprising full human spiritual development, fashioning Man into what he is at his best and most fully realized. If Truth, Justice, Mercy, Generosity, Love are among the things we need to be genuine human beings, to be, in the Biblical phrase, men “in God’s image”, then the name “God” stands for the existence of these qualities... Read more

January 6, 2009

The latest Dharma Special Access video has been posted, this one introducing the writers of LOST. Apart from the Twilight Zone pinball machine, the most interesting detail is when Christian Shepherd, Eko’s brother and the horse are classified as “undead”, in contrast to characters who are currently living or have left the show. Read more

January 5, 2009

I was struck yesterday to discover that a composer whose music I enjoy, George Dyson, was the father of physicist Freeman Dyson, whose writings on science and religion I value. I can’t speak for the Dysons, but for me personally, music is a better vaccine against reductionism than anything else I know of. (If you’re interested in how the Dyson family legacy continues, by the way, FreemanDyson’s son George is a historian of technology). Read more

January 4, 2009

Today in Sunday School we arrived at the last of our classes on the ways Jesus is presented in the canonical Gospels, focusing on the Gospel of John with its unique features such as the notion of Jesus as the Word-become-flesh and the pre-existence of the Son of Man. I gave a brief overview of my book (3 years of research in 15 minutes!) and my suggestion that the developments in the Gospel of John result from an attempt to... Read more

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