June 17, 2008

Today I received another solicitation to be included in a Who’s Who volume. This time it was Madison Who’s Who. As I have said before, this is nothing more than a solicitation of money in exchange to print your name somewhere. No prestige, no personal assessment of your achievement, is involved. Note the generic “Dear Candidate” at the beginning of this first (and apparently, indeed hopefully, final) invitation to register. If you get an e-mail like the one below, delete... Read more

June 16, 2008

There has been a lot of discussion around the internet about whether Barack Obama could be the antichrist. I hope this post will address this issue from the perspective of serious study of the New Testament rather than the popular ignorance that all to many gullible Christians in our time seem to be taken in by. There are several key pieces of evidence one ought to consider. First, there is the First Letter of John, which is the only place... Read more

June 15, 2008

I just got caught up and watched the two-part Doctor Who episode(s) “Silence in the Library” and “Forest of the Dead“. We’ve been given snippets of hints at the Doctor’s identity before – in one episode in the Tom Baker era, an old acquaintance knew him by the name Theta Sigma – which is the abbreviation for the Greek word THEOS, meaning God, used in many New Testament manuscripts. In “Forest of the Dead”, Professor River Song whispers the Doctor’s... Read more

June 15, 2008

With my family all around me I’ve all the riches I can hold I’m a beggar Sitting on a beach of gold (Mike and the Mechanics, “Beggar on a Beach of Gold“) Read more

June 13, 2008

It is interesting to note the literally out of this world news that has appeared recently… On the one hand, there are early reports that scientists have confirmed the extraterrestrial origin of organic molecules in a meteorite, suggesting that, however much progress may be made research on how life may have formed on earth, it may be necessary to look to heaven (er, I mean, the heavens) to account for some steps in the process. On the other hand, apparently... Read more

June 13, 2008

Apparently the prediction that the world would end was slighly off. In fact, what ended was the era of the banana argument. Chuck Blanchard blogs about John Haught. Iyov wonders why I didn’t comment on the latest news from the Discovery Institute. Bay of Fundie has a flow chart to help you figure out if it is religion or science. Clash of Culture discusses creationism as an easy target. On The Panda’s Thumb: should evolutionists be allowed to vote? Debunking... Read more

June 12, 2008

I hope everyone will get a kick out of the spoof site Intelligent Design Society of Kansas (HT Amused Muse). Be sure to poke around and read things like the FAQ and research pages! AIG Busted is highlighting recent observations of evolution producing new “information” and Science Avenger also mentions Behe’s denial of it. Michael White discusses where genes come from. Wesley Elsberry discusses Tom Willis’ problem. Bob Cornwall looks for middle ground in the evolution wars. eSkeptic highlights the... Read more

June 12, 2008

John Hobbins at Ancient Hebrew Poetry decided to reinvigorate the blogosphere by starting a meme/blog-a-thon in which two bloggers reciprocally ask each other a set number of challenging questions. He gave me the honor of being first. Visit his blog to read his three questions and my answers: (1) Reframing the God debate(2) Scary experiences of God(3) Faith and science intersect Read more

June 11, 2008

The more I think about the fact that so many blogs and web sites are speculating about Barack Obama being the antichrist, the more annoyed and puzzled I get. I once used to be part of this apocalyptic-oriented Evangelicalism, until actually reading the Book of Revelation and paying attention to the details persuaded me that the whole approach was misguided. Just think about the following implications, two of which are ridiculous and one of which, though plausible, is unlikely to... Read more

June 10, 2008

Undeception points out another young-earth creationist claim that can be laid to rest (although if their past actions are anything to go by, the scientific evidence for their claim being false won’t stop them repeating it and believing it). Open Parachute highlights the challenges of coming out as a Christian who is persuaded by the evidence for evolution. Demonbaby explores the creation museum, and Robert Ritchie tackles regime change in heaven (HT Pharyngula). Vridar continues discussing Evans’ Fabricating Jesus. Bay... Read more

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