November 15, 2023

Reviews are starting to appear of The A to Z of the New Testament. Alden Swan wrote on Amazon, ‘This is an outstanding resource for anyone who wants to understand the New Testament, and it’s a very enjoyable read. McGrath is extremely knowledgeable and also has a great sense of humor, and the clever “A to Z” organization makes for a very interesting read as he touches on nearly every topic of NT study that you can think of.’ Also on... Read more

November 13, 2023

Imagine we have a situation in which there is a coordinated attack by multiple mass shooters in a public place. Countless lives are lost, including children. The police show up. They have been able to determine that the shooters left the area where their crimes were committed and are now back in their own neighborhood. The police surround the neighborhood and begin launching grenades into homes. When some commentators begin to object to this, their response (supported by some but... Read more

November 4, 2023

I have just signed a contract for my next book. After wrapping up two books about John the Baptist, it was nice to not feel any need to hurry to figure out what my next big research and writing project will be. I still haven’t decided where I will focus my academic research in the coming years, although I have some ideas. But I have been eager for some time to write more for a general audience, and there was... Read more

November 3, 2023

Upcoming Oxford Interfaith Forum Event on 23 November, 2023 Psalmody as an Alternative to Theodicy We are deeply honoured to welcome Revd Dr John Goldingay to deliver a special anniversary lecture for the Psalms in Interfaith Contexts Reading Group. Here are the details of this fascinating session. Topic: Psalmody as an Alternative to Theodicy Abstract: Theodicy has become a significant topic in the study of the Hebrew Scriptures, and the Psalms are a natural work to approach through this lens. They are often concerned,... Read more

November 2, 2023

I was alerted to an upcoming event at North United Methodist Church in Indianapolis. I shared the details with students in my course on the Bible and music and thought I ought to share the information here as well. If you are in the vicinity and share even a fraction of my interest in the intersection of music and faith, you’ll likely find this interesting, either the Saturday talk or the Sunday music, and perhaps both. Hamilton Series: “Why Should... Read more

October 31, 2023

I feel bad for those who are involved in the committee that has to decide whether to issue a statement in response to current events, and has to create any statement that is felt necessary and appropriate. The Society of Biblical Literature is a mixed bag that includes atheists, Jews, Christians, agnostics, and many other faith stances, and includes conservative religious believers, liberal religious people, and a variety of other ideologies. There are Zionists and supercessionists and people who just... Read more

October 30, 2023

I didn’t know what to expect from my first time at Theology Beer Camp. In short, I was blown away by what an impressive model it offered of doing and being church in a manner that is progressive and open. My own talk was about theology in Doctor Who and Star Trek so I dressed for the occasion. There was a whole separate “geek stage” where the programming had this sort of focus. Podcaster Ryan Does shared this photo from... Read more

October 23, 2023

I have been working on rectifying one of the gaps in my Star Trek viewing. Until Strange New Worlds did its Lower Decks crossover episode, I hadn’t watched any of that animated series. I am thus one of very few people for whom Lower Decks is a bit like Clone Wars is for Star Wars, an animated depiction of characters that I have a real-world image of from the outset. There’s a lot that’s entertaining. If you haven’t watched it,... Read more

October 19, 2023

I have long wanted to teach a course in which I could give Octavia Butler’s novels The Parable of the Sower and The Parable of the Talents the detailed attention they deserve. For anyone interested in the intersection of religion and science fiction, these novels are inevitably going to be fascinating. The main character, Lauren Olamina, is the daughter of a Christian minister but ends up creating her own religion called Earthseed. The text that collects her sayings and insights comes to... Read more

October 17, 2023

Today’s the day! The official release day for The A to Z of the New Testament is here. I am told, and you may have heard as well, that sales on Amazon on the official release day of a book are what makes the most difference in their algorithm when it comes to identifying and promoting something as a new bestseller. Want to find out if it is true? Buy your copy today and let’s see what happens! If you want... Read more

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