May 10, 2011

Joel Watts somehow guessed the news that I was slowly building up to share, and so I suppose it is time to let everyone know, even though more details will have to follow later. Exploring Our Matrix will be moving to Patheos soon! I’m honored to have been invited to join Scot McKnight, Ben Witherington and many other bloggers who currently blog there. As for what will change, the answer is only the address. I’ll still have the same weird... Read more

May 9, 2011

If you have been reading this blog lately, you’ll know that I have been blogging through Earl Doherty’s book Jesus: Neither God Nor Man – The Case for a Mythical Jesus. Apparently, if the supporters of its “conclusions” are to be believed, it is entirely my fault that I am finding the book unpersuasive. It is simply because I was already disinclined not to find its claims persuasive. My question is this: How good is a book if it can... Read more

May 9, 2011

I know that some bibliobloggers will be presenting papers at the International SBL Meeting in July in London, England, and perhaps an even greater number will be in attendance. Should we try to have lunch together one day? I think it would be a particularly good idea if there will be bibliobloggers there who don’t normally make it to the bibliobloggers’ get-togethers at the SBL Annual Meeting in the United States. Read more

May 9, 2011

After a prolonged absence from the biblioblogosphere, Michael Kok is back, with a new blog entitled Euangelion Kata Markon. It’s a catchy title, but it seems to me I’ve heard it somewhere before… 🙂 But seriously, particularly those who remember Mike’s old blog “The Golden Rule” should pay his new one a visit and welcome him back to blogging. He’s already posted on the Secret Gospel of Mark conference and on Markan priority. Read more

May 9, 2011

“How To Lie About Submitting Safe Assign” That search string brought someone to my blog, and I thought it deserved comment, since presumably the person who searched for it is a student trying to avoid having their plagiarism or cheating detected. It won’t work. If you say that SafeAssign didn’t work and e-mail the assignment to your professor, then your professor can manually upload it to SafeAssign. If you don’t send an electronic copy in the hope that you’ll make... Read more

May 9, 2011 Read more

May 9, 2011

A friend introduced me to a new blog, Excavating Truth. It didn’t take me long to figure out that this is one I’ll want to link to. There is a three part (so far) series on Ancient Near Eastern Cosmology, and it begins with the question “Is Darth Vader the father of Luke Skywalker?” If you share the same interests as me, I won’t need to say more than that to persuade you to take a look! 🙂 Read more

May 9, 2011

I probably should have called it the Symposium on the Secret Gospel of Mark, but I like the mystery inherent in one of the ways the title of this post could be understood. Apocryphicity offers part 1 of Tony Burke’s own reflections, as well as a student’s view.Evangelical Textual Criticism has a guest blog post about the conference. Read more

May 9, 2011

Bob Cargill has a piece in The Bible and Interpretation on Simcha Jacobovici’s recent “documentary” about nails supposedly used in Jesus’ crucifixion. Read more

May 9, 2011

I’ve made it through the first couple of chapters of Earl Doherty’s book, Jesus: Neither God Nor Man. I’m delighted that Earl Doherty himself, as well as some other mythicists, have taken the time be part of the conversation taking place around the posts on this subject. The book continues to promise that treatment of important questions will come later. We’ll see. But for a reader used to interacting with academic arguments which provide detailed evidence and which are to... Read more

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