Ronald Reagan’s 100th Birthday, and my modest connection to the Reagan legacy

Ronald Reagan’s 100th Birthday, and my modest connection to the Reagan legacy February 6, 2011

Today is the 100th birthday of our 40th President, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Most people are unaware that in 1983 during his first term President Reagan published an article in the Human Life Review, “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation.” It was eventually published as a small book a year later with afterwards by Surgeon General C. Everett Koop and Malcolm Muggeridge. To commemorate the  20th anniversary of the article and subsequent book, in 2004 Human Life Review published a special issue that not  only included President Reagan’s original article but articles by several writers assessing the president’s work. I am proud to say that I was one of those writers. I still cannot believe that my article, “What Would Reagan Do?,” appeared alongside President Reagan’s. (You can find it here)

(Pic on right: Me at the Reagan Library, March 17, 2004)

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