Keeping Up with Rhemedia

Keeping Up with Rhemedia May 13, 2013

Rhemedia was founded by people who believe in the power of film to convey life-changing truth.  To date, Rhemedia has developed 22 films, some of which can be found at  When we gave away the film called “Bullseye” in the month of March (since it’s an Easter parable), it spread swiftly all over the globe.

An emphasis has emerged on the issue of generosity.  Our founder, Jack Alexander, is passionately committed to reawakening a deeper, broader, more Christ-like vision of generosity to the church.  When we speak of generosity, too, we’re not merely talking about philanthropy or tithing or what rich people do with their money.  We’re talking about our call to love and serve others.  We’re talking about giving ourselves sacrificially, in the same way that Christ did.  We’re talking, fundamentally, about what it means to follow Jesus in a selfish and materialistic age.

Our first extensive effort in this area was a five-part series entitled Living Generously.  Here’s the trailer:

The exciting news we have to share is that we just held a private viewing of our followup series, Loving Generously.  If Living Generously looks at transactional generosity, Loving Generously looks at relational generosity.  It looks at how we give ourselves into relationship with the least and the lost.  There can be costs, there can be complications — but there can also be a depth of community you’ve never known.  The reception for the new film series was fantastic.  We’re eager to share these with the individuals and churches who’ve enjoyed our other products and particularly those that have enjoyed Living Generously.

To this point, Rhemedia has largely been a well-kept secret.  We’ve shared our films with a small number of churches and gotten outstanding feedback.  We’ll be rolling out a much broader promotion of Living Generously in the months to come, and you can look forward to Loving Generously very soon as well.

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