The Fuzzy Correlation: A Ramble about Capitalism, Socialism and Politics

The Fuzzy Correlation: A Ramble about Capitalism, Socialism and Politics November 14, 2011

Here are some thoughts I had the other day about capitalism, socialism and politics.
(And I’m an idiot for even trying to share some of this stuff in the current political climate. Somebody, please, take this keyboard away from me.)

I don’t think we can ever escape sin. Consequently, I think every economic system is going to have sinful aspects to it. Capitalism is no exception. But one of the interesting features of capitalism is how it harnesses sin for the greater good. We pursue our self-interest, often in competition with each other, and all boats rise, prosperity fueled by the “rat race” of modern economic life. By saying, effectively, “Good luck, you’re on your own” capitalism takes our innate instincts for survival and social comparison (shame and “keeping up with the Jones’s”) and turns it into gasoline for the engine of productivity. As Adam Smith pointed out, we don’t appeal to the benevolence but to the self-interest of the butcher, baker and candlestick-maker. Or, in the words of Gordon Geckko, “Greed is good.”

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