On Abortion, Rape and Speaking for God

On Abortion, Rape and Speaking for God August 24, 2012

Representative Todd Akin’s comment suggesting that “legitimate rape” cannot lead to pregnancy has stirred up a storm of controversy over the past few days. Meanwhile, the Republicans, while roundly criticizing Akin for his political faux pas, have put forward a platform calling for a federal ban on abortion with no exceptions for victims of rape.

For the record, I am no fan of abortion. Still, it’s offensive to me that so many rich white men are presuming to discuss and legislate the most intimate aspects of women’s bodies. And it deeply disturbs me that our national discussion about rape revolves around taking more rights away from the victims rather than around how to fix a broken culture in which women are seen as — and subsequently treated like — sex objects.

And I am appalled that, in the midst of these discussions, those expressing the most disrespectful attitudes toward women tend to do so in the name of God. These politicians claim to be speaking on behalf of God, legislating the will of God. And they certainly hope that, with the support of God’s men like Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, they will get the “God vote” come November.

Well, I have some biblical news for the politicians out there: The people who get to speak for God are called prophets. Trust me, “prophet” is not a job anybody applies for; it’s not a job anybody wants. Your approval ratings plummet, the pay is lousy, the wardrobe is uncomfortable and the meal plan is for the birds. As an added bonus, those in political power will probably try to have you killed. If you are rich and comfortable and alive, chances are you are not a prophet.

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