The Faith Factor In The 2014 Midterms

The Faith Factor In The 2014 Midterms November 9, 2014
Welcome to this week’s ALL TOGETHER, the podcast dedicated to exploring how religious ideas and spiritual practice inform and shape our personal lives, our communities and our world. The show is hosted by Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, the Executive Editor of HuffPost Religion.
This weeks All Together investigates The Faith Factor In The 2014 Midterm Elections.
What a difference two years can make. In 2012, President Obama won every faith group in America aside from White Christians. The looks to be true for 2014, and yet White Evangelical voters appeared to have tipped the scale towards the GOP in important Senate and Governor races across the country.
What made the difference? Were voters convinced by the threat to religious freedom rhetoric? Did gay marriage factor in? What about the Jewish vote? And the growing nones? Or should politicians worry about the ‘faith vote’ at all?
To help me think through these questions I have assembled some veteran faith and politics academics, pollsters and political operators including Burns Strider, Hillary Clinton’s Senior Advisor in 2008, Joshua Dubois, Head of President Obama’s 2008 Campaign and the White House Faith and Community Partnerships, Mark Silk, Professor of Religion in Public Life at Trinity College, and Robert Jones, CEO of Public Religion Research Institute.
Here the podcast here

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