January 5, 2013

  When an elephant is in the room, hunt him down … but be careful and be prayerful. We have all experienced those times in discussions with our friends over coffee or over the phone where the “elephant” shows up … haven’t we? Or it may be right in the middle of a staff or team meeting at work or at church, when all of a sudden there he is – that crazy “elephant.” He’s baaaack! The “elephants” in the... Read more

December 12, 2012

The best “insurance policy” you can have to guard you from discouragement is friendship. Discouragement pulls us away from the thing we need most in life – relationships and friendships. When discouraged we tend to pull away from God and from people. Without friendships, those discouragements can tear you down and hold you back in life. (more…) Read more

December 11, 2012

My daughter was excited. Driving home from work with dad several years ago, my 4-year-old was eager to tell me of her joy. “I’m so excited, Dad. ‘Know why?” “No, Sweetheart. Why?” “’Cuz Papa and Granma are coming to see me tomorrow and they’re going to bring me a surprise. I can’t wait to get my surprise!” Kristin asserted. Seizing upon an opportunity, I decided to teach my daughter a little lesson. (more…) Read more

December 4, 2012

I have come to a big decision. The title of my blog is changing as of right now! It is changing because I am changing and recognizing that there is a great need in the church today to redefine “leadership.” Too often we as pastors, leaders and Christian educators (me included!) have bought into corporate models of leadership and greatly missed the fact that Jesus redefined leadership itself. (more…) Read more

November 23, 2012

How do you read your Bible – as a theorist or lover? First and foremost, as a student/scholar or a eager pursuer? Chris Webb, President of Renovare, challenged me recently to rethink how I read my Bible. He points out in his new book, The Fire of the Word: Meeting God on Holy Ground (IVP), how important it is to make sure we are not just using our heads to read our Bibles, but most of all our hearts. It... Read more

November 1, 2012

In the beloved classic Pinocchio, the puppet that wanted so to be a “real boy” was devoid of one essential component – a “conscience.” Since he did not come equipped with one, a lovable, and sometimes irritable, companion named Jiminy Cricket entered the puppet’s world and, for a time at least, assumed that role.  Jiminy was Pinocchio’s constant companion forever dictating advice on the “good” and the “bad” in the potential choices he faced. Depending on Pinocchio’s response, the benefits... Read more

October 18, 2012

Mitt Romney and John F. Kennedy have something in common. They both have come under sharp scrutiny with the press and with some of the public over their faith. But, perhaps Romney and his team should take a few cues from JFK. In 1960, with his bid for the presidency in full swing, many people were worried about Kennedy’s Catholicism. At one point, it appeared that the biggest hurdle for him to clear in order to end up in the... Read more

October 11, 2012

An honoring culture is one that is always flowing with regular praise and recognition. It is characterized by consistent mutual support and affirmations. In their book, The Carrot Principle, Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton cite a report (from HealthStream Research) which says that 69% of North American workers reported that they were not recognized at all in their jobs last year. And, if that is not alarming enough, 79% of the top performers who change jobs reported that one of... Read more

October 10, 2012

The Biblical value of teams over individual efforts is described in resonant and simple terms in Ecclesiastes. It is especially interesting that, although someone who held a supreme hierarchical position, namely King Solomon, wrote this passage, he nonetheless saw the wisdom and value of teams even in his day. Even from his lofty throne he thought to include these insights and the model of the triple-braided cord in his volume of wisdom. Two people can accomplish more than twice as... Read more

September 3, 2012

One of the most unique moments in the 2008 presidential election year in America was not only the selection of our first African-American president, there was another moment. When Pastor Rick Warren opened the doors of Saddleback Church to then Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain for the first-ever Civil Forum on the Presidency, it was something special. You may have heard by now that Warren has cancelled this year’s forum due to the incivility already evidenced from the candidates... Read more

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