7 Reflections from Hurricane Irma

7 Reflections from Hurricane Irma September 12, 2017

6) Living with Our Decisions


Many Floridians drove north to avoid the impact of Hurricane Irma, others decided to stay and weather the storm. There were several disagreements and debates to stay or go and some Floridians were forced to evacuate, but for those with the decision to stay stayed and weathered the storm. Sometimes in life there may be people in our lives who judge us based on our actions or inaction in certain events and circumstances. What they fail to realize is that it’s your life to live and your decisions to make and you live with those decisions you make.

Others may judge us or criticize us based on our actions, reactions or responses to life events, but as long as we find peace in the fact that we tried our best and are comfortable with who we are as individuals no one’s criticism or judgments can phase us. It’s not fair for us to judge or criticize others who may be challenged in their own unique ways. We don’t know their shortcomings, weaknesses, strengths or insecurities that may have made them react or respond or act the way they did.

When it comes to judging the lives and decisions others make in their lives we’re reminded of a statement by Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) —the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)  where he said: “Do not mock a pain you haven’t endured”

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