Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Happy Women’s Equality Day! August 26, 2011

I don’t have a new post for today, but I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Here are a few older posts by me on the topic of women’s equality:

I have a sex drive! You have a sex drive! We all have sex drives! 

My anatomy says I’m a woman, but society isn’t so sure 

Crippling lies and “tennis shoes” of truth 

An egalitarian submits  

Relationships, gender, and cacophonous music

And here are a few of my favorite posts by others on the topic:

Is feminism a dirty word? 

Thou shalt not let thyself go?

In which I am part of the insurgency

How to live a good love story- a top eleven list for my daughters


And, of course, there’s this:



Have a great Women’s Equality Day! Men, take time to appreciate the women in your life! Women, take time to enjoy being a woman!

What are some of your favorite articles about women’s equality? Have you written anything on the subject? Share below! And share some women who inspire you and make the world a better place!



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