David Miscavige, a Man of Intensity and Competence

David Miscavige, a Man of Intensity and Competence June 9, 2022

David Miscavige, a Man of Intensity and Competence was originally published as a video on the David Miscavige website

David Miscavige, a Man of Intensity and Competence

Mr. David  Miscavige has an intensity. And if you observe him, you also see incredible competence. Further, he has a tireless viewpoint. And if the job needs to be done, he will get the job done.

David Miscavige, a Man of Intensity and Competence

Indeed, I don’t think that man has ever, ever considered that somebody else should do a job that he would not be willing to do himself.

Dedication and integrity of David Miscavige

Mr. Miscavige has dedication. And real integrity. Sometimes, these are “just words” in society. But he exemplifies these things.

Why I asked David Miscavige to by my daughter’s godfather. And what he said.

I was about to become a father. And so I approached him. I said, “Sir, there simply is no one else I would trust my daughter with. And I’d like you to be her godfather.”

He accepted. And for 27 years he has taken every care to fulfill that responsibility.

About Jeff Pomerantz

Jeff Pomerantz is an American actor. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London.

Pomerantz is also a human rights advocate and activist. And he was the voice,  face and driving force of the Scientology religious freedom crusade in Portland in 1985. So it was that David Miscavige presented Pomerantz with the International Association of Scientologists Freedom Medal.

David Miscavige on the religious freedom crusade in Portland

On the David Miscavige website, Mr. Miscavige covers the significance of the Church of Scientology Portland. And he speaks of the 1985 religious freedom crusade. At the dedication of the Church in 2013, David Miscavige covers the events surrounding that crusade.

“Portland was our test,” he said. “It was a test of our resolve, our fortitude. And the determination to avert a grave assault on the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. So when you look at where we stand today, remember it was all because our voices were heard 28 years ago.”

Mr. Miscavige describes the Portland Church as “a testament to what originally drew so many thousands to these streets. Namely, that our inherent right to spiritual salvation is intrinsically linked to tolerance and brotherhood. And the right of every faith to champion the divinity of humankind.”


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