Sharing the Scientology How to Stay Well Campaign Throughout Taiwan in the Name of Help

Sharing the Scientology How to Stay Well Campaign Throughout Taiwan in the Name of Help August 1, 2022

Coronavirus cases continue to ebb and flow. So Scientology Volunteer Ministers share the Scientology How to Stay Well campaign with communities throughout the country.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers seminar`

The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control predicts the country could face another wave of the virus next month. With this in mind, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers are holding seminars on their “How to Stay Well” initiative to help communities throughout the nation.

Scientology How to Stay Well Campaign

They bring ample copies of their How to Keep Yourself and Others Well booklets. And these booklets contain simple explanations of the best practices for preventing the spread of illness. What’s more, the volunteers play public service announcements at their seminars. In fact, each PSA illustrates a simple prevention principle. Together, the booklets and videos emphasize an important concept: that is, “an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.”

One example of their outreach was a seminar at the Guanyin Mountain Dajue Temple last week. There, the district chief, who has also participated in the drug prevention campaign the Church of Scientology supports, welcomed the volunteers. “In the two years since I took office, I have been doing epidemic prevention constantly,” he said, “so today’s activities are very relevant.”

The Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers program is a religious social service

The Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers program is a religious social service. Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard created the program in the mid-1970s.  And it constitutes one of the largest international independent relief forces. The Volunteer Minister aims to be “a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.”

Scientology Church and Missions in Taiwan

The Scientology Church and Missions in Taiwan have earned the respect of their communities for providing humanitarian and social betterment programs for the people of the country. Year after year, the Ministry of Interior has awarded the Church its Excellent Religious Group Award.

The Church of Scientology of Kaoshiung is an Ideal Scientology Organization. Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige dedicated the Church in 2013. The Scientology Network features the Church in an episode of the original series Destination Scientology 

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