July 6, 2017

With the country reeling from a series of devastating tragedies, from the Manchester and London terrorist attacks to the Grenfell Towers fire, Scientology Volunteer Ministers are providing succor to rescue workers and victims and helping people move on. An excerpt from an article in the Financial Times gives a man-on-the-street view of their work: A Christian, a Muslim and a Scientologist—all strangers—are riding through west London in a yellow van. It sounds like the set-up to a bad joke, thought Andre Apollis.... Read more

June 29, 2017

The California Crusader covers a neighborhood cleanup in East Hollywood, co-organized by Vons, the LAPD, Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell’s office and the Way to Happiness Foundation chapter sponsored by the Church of Scientology Los Angeles. Vons Grocery Store on Sunset and Virgil partnered up with the Los Angeles Police Department, Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell’s District 13 and The Way to Happiness Los Angeles to clean up their neighborhood last Saturday. Over eighty people arrived at Vons first thing in the morning and were... Read more

June 23, 2017

This article from the Scientology website describes the 29th annual religious convocation aboard the Scientology religious retreat, the Freewinds motor vessel. The world’s most dedicated Scientologists cast off for a week-long cruise to celebrate successes and set the agenda for an expansive year across the seven seas. In all, the evening encompasses a parade of monumental accomplishment in the name of a better world, courtesy of the IAS. The mighty Freewinds returns to her work, setting her humanitarian course in... Read more

June 23, 2017

In this blog entry on the STAND website, Scientologist Rodger Clark takes issue with atheist assertions that intelligence is somehow connected to an absence of religious belief.  Several researchers in the field of psychology descended from the ultra-recirculated, purified air of academia to address the amoebic, unwashed masses (us). Citing 53 out of 63 studies that show a “negative correlation” between religiosity and intelligence, they declare that atheists are smarter than religious people, after which they ascended once again to... Read more

June 21, 2017

Scientologist John Logothetis compares Scientology to the religion he grew up in–with favorable results. Published courtesy of the STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination) website. I remember when I was 17 years old and first walked into a Church of Scientology in Chicago. I was young, troubled, unsure of myself and not at all sure what Scientology was. I had just read the book Dianetics and it was absolutely revolutionary to me. It helped me and contained all the answers... Read more

June 21, 2017

This blog by Jenny Good is published courtesy of the website of STAND, Scientologists Taking Action Against Religion, and deals with the bias and bigotry that can threaten otherwise harmonious relationships when the subject of religion and politics invade a social gathering. “Nothing ruins a dinner party faster than religion or politics.” It’s the unspoken agreement of a polite dinner host and guests. Why? Because people can’t keep their manners in when talking about these two subjects. They’re especially volatile... Read more

June 20, 2017

Scientologist Jim Kalergis shares the “magic” of learning to listen–an ability he gained on his first Scientology course.  The blog is published courtesy of STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination). The first course I took in Scientology was called the “Communication Course.” The first exercise on the course was called “TR  0.” The “TR” stood for “Training Routine.” The “0” designation was because the skill gained on the drill was a prerequisite to all the exercises that were to follow: the... Read more

June 19, 2017

The late Harri Heino, who was professor of religion at University of Tampere, Finland, published an expertise on the Scientology religion titled “Scientology: Its True Nature.”  This and other religious studies on Scientology are available on the Scientology Religion website, www.scientologyreligion.org. ecent years on several occasions, including in Finland, become the subject of public debate. Compared to some countries, very little has been said in Finland about its religious nature. In the following treatise, I focus on the question of whether... Read more

June 18, 2017

In this video, illustrating a precept of The Way to Happiness, the essence of what it means to be a father comes through. It is this care and tolerance, understanding a love that is the hallmark of a truly great dad.     Read more

June 18, 2017

In subscribing to the Code of a Scientologist one pledges to “support true humanitarian endeavors in the fields of human rights.” And the Aims of Scientology are”A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights.” This is clear in the emphasis Scientologists place on the humanitarian activities the Church supports. A video interview with Mr. Sebonyane Alfred Tsetsane, who served as Regional... Read more

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