June 14, 2017

This press release from Citizens Commission on Human Rights, published today, presents a fresh view of the solution to a mental health industry that has failed. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was co-founded by the Church of Scientology, which supports its activities. Human Rights group says overhaul of psycho-pharmaceutical industry should begin with investigation into the drugging of 6- 12-year-olds. A United Nations Health Rights expert, Dr. Dainius Pūras, has issued a report calling for mental health care to... Read more

June 13, 2017

In a blog on the STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination) website, Scientologist Jenny Good looks at the First Amendment and the conflict that often arises between the two freedoms it stands to protect. Republished courtesy of STAND. I believe in the power of speech. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in my First Amendment rights. I believe in our country and our government. Mostly. I believe that our Constitution is there to protect us. All of us. And... Read more

June 13, 2017

This blog by Scientologist Wil Seabrook gives his perspective of the Scientology religion as a meeting ground of science and the spiritual. It is published courtesy of STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination). When I was a kid I asked a lot of questions. That wouldn’t surprise anyone who knows me now. I can be a little obsessive when I get interested in something. I want to know all about it and understand exactly how it works. I distinctly remember being... Read more

June 12, 2017

Scientologist Sandra Richmond writes about what the new Church of Scientology of the Valley means to her. Published courtesy of STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination). Have you ever been proud of some special achievement in your life? Perhaps it was something you did on your own, or perhaps you worked with others to bring a project to fruition. I experienced an immense sense of accomplishment when I joined other parishioners, community leaders and friends to celebrate the grand opening... Read more

June 11, 2017

Tad Reeves, of the Scientology Parent blog, answers 14 questions posed by a student about Scientology. Here are the last four answers. Published courtesy of the Scientology Parent website. 11)IS THERE A SCHOOL SPECIFICALLY FOR PEOPLE TO LEARN ONLY SCIENTOLOGY THAT IS SEPARATE FROM THE TRADITIONAL SCHOOL SYSTEM? Scientology is a religious philosophy, but it is not and was never intended to be a replacement for a full education.  Clearly, if one wanted to become a Scientology practitioner, one would obviously... Read more

June 10, 2017

Tad Reeves, of the Scientology Parent blog, answers 14 questions posed by a student about Scientology. Here are his first five answers. Published courtesy of the Scientology Parent website. 6)HOW HAS AUDITING POSITIVELY AFFECTED YOU? The broad answer to that is that auditing has, by and large, made me more honest with myself and others, more generally happy, more stable, and more tolerant of having more moving parts and individual things going on in my life that I’m actively working on.... Read more

June 9, 2017

Tad Reeves, of the Scientology Parent blog, answers 14 questions posed by a student about Scientology. Here are his first five answers. Published courtesy of the Scientology Parent website. A student asked the following questions for a school presentation on the subject of Scientology. As a preface to my answers to the questions asked, my name is Tad, I’m a father of 3, a second-generation Scientologist, and am a systems engineer for an Internet service provider.    I’ve been in... Read more

June 8, 2017

This post on the Stand website tells of one Scientologist’s reaction to an utterly wrong representation of Scientology in a recent game show question. Published courtesy of Standleague.org. The Big Lie I was watching the game show Jeopardy the other night when the host, Alex Trebek, presented the clue, “The most secretive religion in the world.” One of the contestants answered, “What is Scientology?” Alex liked that answer, and the contestant racked his score up a few more dollars and the... Read more

June 5, 2017

Here’s a message for  World Environment Day from The Way to Happiness, the nonreligious, common-sense moral code written by L. Ron Hubbard. HELP TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET. The idea that one has a share in the planet and that one can and should help care for it may seem very large and, to some, quite beyond reality. But today what happens on the other side of the world, even so far away, can effect what happens in your own home. Recent... Read more

June 5, 2017

Post on the STAND website by a Scientologist who is tired of the Scientology Jokes that are based on falsehoods and misinterpretation. There are times I feel like complaining and this is one of those times. I was looking through Facebook the other day and saw a mention of some comedian and his “hilarious” joke about Scientology. Of course, being the vocal person that I am, I had to pipe up that it wasn’t funny. In fact it was offensive.... Read more

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