Call for Papers on Trinitarian Theology: LATC 2014

Call for Papers on Trinitarian Theology: LATC 2014 September 30, 2013

Coming up in January is the 2014 Los Angeles Theology Conference. Registration is open, and you should start making plans now if you want to attend. The conference will be high-level theology by leading thinkers, with an exhibit hall filled with discounted books from major publishers, and it’s in sunny southern California in January… why wouldn’t you come?

We have invited five plenary speakers who will work on the theme of “Advancing Trinitarian Theology” by extending the kind of arguments they’re known for in their pubished books and articles: Ayres, Holmes, Kilby, McCall, and Sanders. But we have also issued a call for papers and are expecting to bring in nine more papers to be presented in three parallel sessions.

At the inaugural conference in January 2013, our parallel sessions were excellent, and it was hard for conference attenders to decide among them. They presented papers that were in constructive dialogue with the lectures given by the plenary speakers. You can see for yourself: Five of those papers made it into the book that came out of the conference, Christology Ancient & Modern: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics, set to be released any time now, October 2013.

If you are a theologian who would like to join the January 2014 conversation on “Advancing Trinitarian Theology,” please send us a proposal. Read the conference description and call for papers carefully, reflect on the issues these plenary speakers are likely to be addressing, and send a proposal to 

You only have until October 11, when the call for papers will close.

Will you please do us a favor by spreading the word about LATC 2014? Let your local theologian friends know about this event and the call for papers. We plan to do this every January in Los Angeles, with a Zondervan book following up nine months later, so eventually we’ll be on the radar of theologians everywhere. But in this second year as we are building momentum, what we really want to avoid is somebody finding out about it when it’s too late to propose a paper or even register.





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