The second annual Los Angeles Theology Conference, entitled “Advancing Trinitarian Theology,” will happen this January at Fuller Theological Seminary. We have invited five plenary speakers distinguished for recent contributions to the doctrine of the Trinity: Lewis Ayres, Stephen Holmes, Karen Kilby, Thomas McCall, and Fred Sanders. Registration is open.
Earlier this year Oliver Crisp and I issued a call for papers, and we were pleased to receive a large number of responses. We were only able to select nine papers from among the many fine proposals that came in, and if you attend LATC 2014 you will have to make an even harder choice: because these sessions run in parallel, you can only attend three of these.
But what a wealth of scholarship we have here. I am pleased to announce the nine breakout papers for LATC 2014:
Breakout Session 1:
Samuel Powell (Point Loma Nazarene University) “The Procession of the Spirit and the Image of God in Augustine’s Theology”
Kyle Strobel (Grand Canyon University) “The Beauty of the Triune God: A Retrieval”
Jason S. Sexton (Golden Gate Baptist Seminary and USC) “A Confessing Trinitarian Theology for Today’s Mission”
Breakout Session 2:
Brannon Ellis (InterVarsity Press) “The Spirit of the Father, of Himself God: A Calvinian Approach to the Question of the Filioque”
Kendall Soulen (Wesley Theological Seminary) “The Name above Every Name: The Eternal Identity of the Second Person of the Trinity and the Covenant of Grace”
Awet Andemicael (Lecturer, Yale University) “The Music of God: Toward an Aesthetic Trinitarian Theology”
Breakout Session 3:
Robert St. Hilaire (Niagara University) “Imitating the Vision of God: Pierre Rousselot on Thomas Aquinas’s Theological Method and Trinitarian Discourse”
Darren O. Sumner (Fuller Seminary Northwest) “Functional Subordination and Eternity: The Father-Son Relation in Karl Barth’s Trinitarian Theology”
Dale Tuggy (SUNY Fredonia) “How to Be a Monotheistic Trinitarian”
Blogger Chris Woznicki, who attended LATC 2013 (and livened up the lunchroom conversation) recently raved about the unique atmosphere of this annual conference: “I have never seen this many people this excited for an academic theology conference. We laughed, we cried, and we worshipped (and that was just Alan Torrance’s session)! This is the way theology conferences are supposed to be.”
Can’t make it to Los Angeles Theology Conference this year? Too bad. But be sure to put us on your calendar, because we intend to keep doing this every January in Los Angeles. Here are our future topics:
2015: Atonement
2016: Pneumatology
2017: Dogmatics
2018: Theological Anthropology