July 11, 2024

St. Benedict’s spirituality includes an emphasis on autonomous communities as well as stability. Benedictine monks or sisters who resided in a particular community committed to staying in that particular place and with those particular religious. This contrasts with the practices of other religious orders and diocesan priests who are often sent from one location to another. The need for connection In today’s world, we’re less and less connected to our neighborhood and neighbors. We may walk out of our houses... Read more

July 3, 2024

Seeing fireworks is always an outstanding experience. I can recall my childhood memories of walking to the fireworks with crowds of cousins. We sat on blankets while we all looked up, all felt the rolling vibrations, and all felt our mouths fall open with awe as we enjoyed one beautiful blast after another.  To this day, each time I see fireworks, I feel particularly close to those around me. Research on unity and shared experiences Well, research explains why this... Read more

June 3, 2024

During the Last Supper, Jesus blessed the bread and wine, inviting His friends to “drink from it” (Matthew 26:27). Likewise, at Mass, the priest consecrates the wine, blessing it and inviting the faithful to drink from it. If you attend Mass regularly, you may have noticed that during the COVID-19 pandemic, churches stopped offering the consecrated wine—the blood of Christ. This was presumably done to prevent the spread of germs. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, churches rarely serve the... Read more

May 21, 2024

This Memorial Day, we remember all those who’ve given their lives for the sake of our country. In doing so, we also celebrate with an extended weekend just when we need it most: As the busy month of May winds down and we gear up for summer sun. While we honor all those who’ve served in the military this Memorial Day, we might also take time to remember other people and experiences over the holiday weekend. Try to Remember Try... Read more

February 3, 2024

Have you ever encountered something so beautiful that it left you in a state of awe? Maybe you even felt inspired to be a better person or give more to others? If so, what was it that struck you as beautiful? Maybe it was the rising sun upon the rolling waves of the Atlantic Ocean, colorful flowers standing tall amidst a Spring rain, or the majesty of one of Claude Monet’s masterpieces. But have you ever been moved by acts... Read more

December 21, 2023

Have you been busy with shopping and holiday to-do’s, but still find yourself searching for more? If so, you’re not alone. For centuries upon centuries, mankind has searched for meaning. Ancient philosophers like Plato, sought the good, true, and beautiful; and Aristotle proclaimed that engaging in virtuous actions will lead to fulfillment.   Hedonia vs. Eudaimonia Psychologists today haven’t strayed far from these wise men. Researchers distinguish two types of well-being: hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic well-being is that which is... Read more

November 17, 2023

You’re probably looking forward to a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving, while already starting to plan your holiday shopping on Black Friday. You may have also heard about Giving Tuesday, the annual Tuesday designated to giving to others. You might be thinking of donating to charity or buying toys for your local giving tree. You might even be aware of a good feeling inside that comes along with giving. But what does research in psychology say about this? How does this line... Read more

November 12, 2023

This Thanksgiving, you may be looking forward to enjoying some oven-sizzling turkey and stuffing, alongside mashed potatoes and green beans. You also may be looking forward to gathering with family and friends, laughing together, and simply enjoying each other’s company. Boosting social connection In today’s world, it’s harder than ever to achieve true social connection. In fact, the U.S. Surgeon General released a statement calling for action to promote social skills and wellness among American youth. In it, he noted... Read more

October 17, 2023

For many of us, Halloween means a night out, dressed up in costumes, going door to door requesting a piece or two of candy with the words, “trick-or-treat.” Although candy surely tastes good and activates many brain regions involved in reward, such as the ventral striatum, we might find that it doesn’t fulfill us deep within. Why not? Well, researchers have identified two types of happiness—hedonic happiness, which involves the experience of pleasure, reward, and comfort—and eudaimonic happiness, which involves... Read more

October 10, 2023

With heavy hearts, we mourn the loss of innocent lives in the Israel-Gaza conflict. We yearn for peace to preside. We might feel distant and helpless—wondering what we can do to foster love, understanding, and unity. Have you considered praying for peace? If you’re like me, you probably considered it, but you also might have questioned: Why prayer? How and why can prayer really help a situation? First, let’s remember that it’s okay—actually, it’s good—to ask questions. We are invited... Read more

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