Solar eclipse

Solar eclipse March 19, 2015
Tomorrow there is a solar eclipse, and Nature’s Path invited me to write a chalice lighting for the month of March in honour of it.
"The Partial Eclipse" by Thephatphilmz - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
The Partial Eclipse” by ThephatphilmzOwn work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Here it is.
Light. We all depend on light.
Sunlight to grow our food,
Sunlight to warm our bodies,
A lamp to read by,
Candles for ritual,
A fire for comfort,
Moonlight and starlight for dreams and visions.
They say the moon is fickle,
But she keeps her course,
Steering her boat of dreams around the Earth,
Now a tiny fragile crescent,
Then a full glowing orb,
And sometimes she steers her boat
In front of the sun,
To remind us how much we need the light.
That moment of awe and terror,
When the moon eclipses the sun,
And those who watch below pause,
In a moment of stillness
Watching as the sun becomes a waning crescent,
Then beads of fire,
Then a corona of shining threads,
Waiting for the sun to come back,
Holding our breaths until she returns.
So we give thanks for light,
As we light our small flame,
A flame of gathering,
A flame for comfort,
A tiny sun resting in a bowl of space.
Yvonne Aburrow, 7:17 am GMT, 13 March 2015

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