May 10, 2016

I have always had a bit of a thing about the Moon, and everything associated with the lunar side of life: poetry, intuition, silver, water, dreams, and stars. Read more

May 9, 2016

Respect For the Dead In any discussion of what to do with human remains, I think we should start from the assumption that almost everyone respects the dead. But it is how that respect is expressed that is currently a source of conflict. Some have argued that respect can only be expressed by not disturbing the dead; or if they are disturbed by accident or because of development work, then they must be reburied as soon as possible. This is,... Read more

May 7, 2016

There are many different metaphors floating about for religions, and each one illuminates something different about the nature of religion - that's why I collect them. Read more

May 5, 2016

In 2008, I founded a group, Pagans for Archaeology. I did that because I believe that without archaeology, we would know considerably less about ancient pagans and polytheists than we do today. I even wonder if the Pagan revival would have happened the same way without input from archaeological research. The Pagans for Archaeology Facebook page now has around 15,000 likes - so even if many of those people haven't read the "manifesto" of the group, that shows a very big interest in archaeology among Pagans. Read more

May 4, 2016

In my last post on cultural appropriation (Cultural Appropriation has nothing to do with "Race"), I made the point that the issue is about culture, not genetics and not "race". People are part of a culture if they have been brought up in and immersed in that culture - it has nothing to do with their genetic background. In this post, I show that cultural appropriation is an extension of colonialism and racism. Read more

May 2, 2016

One cannot seek endarkenment with the clock ticking or the timer going off. Read more

April 30, 2016

Sarah Sadie and I decided to write a different kind of blogpost - a conversation. Since we are both poets, we had a conversation about poetry. Read more

April 28, 2016

I congratulate the Hillsborough families for their victory. Justice at last. The names of the victims are no longer besmirched - may they rest in peace. Read more

April 27, 2016

Pagans often say that we want to get in touch with Nature. But there are many among us who don't know one tree species from another, or one flower from another. It's all "oograh". Read more

April 26, 2016

It's good to have descriptions of what a word means, so that labels are mutually comprehensible. It's also quite nice when the meaning of a word bears some vague resemblance to its etymology. But there's a conflict between creating a meaning that is inclusive enough to include the majority of people who want to identify as that label, and making a word completely meaningless. Read more

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