When It’s Time To Go Away For Self-Care: Help Send “Shalom” to Allume

When It’s Time To Go Away For Self-Care: Help Send “Shalom” to Allume July 28, 2015

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Hey Everyone,

If you’re on the facebook page, the you know that  yesterday, I shared a slideshow I made to celebrate Shalom in the City’s past year.

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Allume  (and the idea of going to a conference) came on my radar after I read the survey results from you all!  Based your encouraging and insightful responses, there are a several topics you all want more posts on:

1: Whole Parenting

How being a peacemaker and not a peacekeeper shapes my mothering.

2: Whole Marriage

Particularly how we navigate an interracial marriage/family.

3: Whole Food/Recipes

How does God’s desire for wholeness in our lives affect the food we eat and our relationship to the ground.

4: Whole Friendships

Especially building friends with the “other” someone different than us theologically, racially, socio-economically.

5: Whole Homes

How to love your city, even when you live in the suburbs. How to seek justice right in your contexts.  More stories and insights from our inner city ministry. Maybe a few DIY ideas…

6: Whole Minds

I love the passage, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul” these posts will reflect on how God’s making a me a whole woman and point us to resources that encourage and inspire us to live lives of Shalom.

I’m so grateful for your feedback that has shaped this vision. When the new theme goes live, these will the the formative categories.

When I shared all your responses with my husband and started brainstorming ways to bless you all, I realized something very scary. I need help to make it happen. I feel like I’ve hit a wall with my blogging knowledge base.  I would love to create e-courses on “Raising compassionate Kids” but I don’t know where to begin.  My husband has everything we need for a podcast and some of you would love to hear a conversation between friends on how we’re pursuing wholeness while you work out or do the dishes, but I have NO IDEA how to make that happen.  I want to write more consistently on the blog, but I’d love to learn how other mommy bloggers balance work and family.  All these dreams combined means, it’s time for me to invest some more time and money into my blog.  So, I’ve bought a cool theme so “Shalom” can become a website where women can be made whole, one blog post at a time.  And now, I’m hoping to to Allume 2015 this October to learn.

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Why Allume:

1: Allume is CRAZY welcoming and intentional.  I love how the focus is on using blogging as a place to connect women to each other and the heart of God.

2: Allume is FABULOUSLY diverse.  I’ve gotten to know the organizer a little bit through Facebook messages and I’ve been so impressed with her desire to create a conference that reflects the reconciliation heart of God.  When I look at the speaker page, it looks so Kingdom.  It looks like Shalom.

3: Allume is in Oct. which is perfect since we are just now getting settled from our big move.  We know the kids’ school schedules in the fall, we’re comfortable with the area, and we feel good about our new rhythm here in LA. I’m ready to go away and recharge from a busy, and at time stressful past year. 

4: Allume is so economical.  Of all the conference I’ve seen, Allume’s registration fee is the most affordable at only $300 for four days of connection, encouragement, education, and refreshment!  That’s a breath of fresh air for a woman on a budget like myself.

When I showed my husband Allume’s site, he was so excited for me.

“You should go, Babe!” he exclaimed. But when I sat down to do the budget to determine how much from my job and my business I could save, I realized we’re still using so much of my income to make ends meet and adjust to our new cost of living in LA.  There’s simply not enough.  So, I need your help.  Would you help me get to Allume 2015?

You can give here on my gofundme page.

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I can’t wait to see which shirt you choose.


Swooning over our Shalom In the City shirts,


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