Episode #27: My Sista's Keeper Our Monthly Conversation on Race and Peacemaking

Episode #27: My Sista's Keeper Our Monthly Conversation on Race and Peacemaking March 16, 2017

Hey Sistas,

Join Abby Perry and me for our first episode of My Sista’s Keeper: Shalom in the City’s Monthly Conversation on Race and Unity. We talk about how each of us came to care deeply about issues of race, justice, and reconciliation, and what it is to approach these often awkward, difficult conversations with a spirit Hopeful Resistance.

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The My Sista’s Keeper episodes exist to help YOU begin to bring about Shalom in your own community by modeling a conversation between a black woman and a white woman talking about race. In this first episode, we make promises to each other that will guide our discussions, ask probing questions, and press deep into some uncomfortable places to see if there’s some unity to be found (spoiler: there is).

We also may break out in hives, or at least a sweat, a few times. But it’s that good sweat, ya know? Like when you’re exercising and it’s hard and it hurts but you know that means it’s working. We hope you’ll benefit from listening to a bit of heavy lifting (and plenty of laughter, too).

Want more Shalom in your life?  Follow Shalom in the City on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @shalominthecity. Come join us on Facebook at the Shalom Sistas’ Hangout.  You can find me, Osheta Moore on Twitter @osheta, Instagram @oshetam and Pinterest. Abby is on Facebook @AbbyJoyAndersonPerry, on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @abbyjperry and online at joywovendeep.com.


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