
Academic Books

Yancey, George and David Williamson (2014) So Many Christians, So

            Enough Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States? Lanham,

MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Yancey, George. (2013) Dehumanizing Christians: Cultural Competition in a

            Multicultural World Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers

Williamson, David and George Yancey (2013) There is No God: Atheists in

            America. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Yancey, George and David Williamson (2012) What Motivates Cultural

Progressives. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

Emerson, Michael and George Yancey (2011) Transcending Racial

            Barriers: Toward a Mutual Obligations Approach New York: Oxford


Yancey, George (2010) Neither Jew nor Gentile: Exploring Issues of

Racial Diversity on Protestant College Campuses. New York: Oxford


Yancey, George (2011) Compromising Scholarship: Religious and

Political Bias in Academia. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

Yancey, George and Richard Lewis (2008) Interracial Families: Current Concepts and

            Controversies. New York: Routledge

Yancey, George (2007) “Interracial Contact and Social Change. Boulder, Co

:Lynne Rienner Publishers

Yancey, George (2003) Who Is White?: Latinos, Asians, and the New Black/Nonblack

Divide. Boulder, Co :Lynne Rienner Publishers

DeYoung, Curtiss, Michael Emerson, George Yancey and Karen Chai (2003) United by

Faith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.