PODCAST—Rumblings in Medjugorje

PODCAST—Rumblings in Medjugorje June 24, 2024

At Church of St. James in Medjugorje. SOURCE: Mike_68 / Pixabay

Medjugorje Back in the News

Medjugorje came screaming back into the news a few days ago. If you’re a Catholic that has been living under a rock for the past half-century, perhaps you have not heard of Medjugorje.  It is a small Bosnian village that has been the site of the longest running Marian apparitions in the history of the Church. This June 25th will mark the 43rd anniversary of continuous, uninterrupted heavenly visitations from the Mother of God. She carries a message of conversion through prayer, penance and the sacraments.  This past June 15th, she appeared to one of the visionaries and explained that she would not be appearing at the regular time of 6:40 p.m.  

Visionary Marija Is “Shaken” by the Message

The Blessed Virgin Mary told Marija that she would appear at 11:30 p.m. instead—at the top of Apparition Hill. The new directions marked a significant departure from the usual routine. When the June 15th apparition was over, Marija apologized for being so emotional.

The change in the routine, along with Marija’s own report that she had become emotional during the apparition, has led to many rumors and speculations that something “BIG” is about to happen.

World War III?

One of these rumors is that we are on the brink of World War III.  On the show, I made it clear that I consider such histrionic speculation to be irresponsible. Often this is done by social media types who are in the habit of producing “click-bait.”  But if the apparitions are authentic, it would be spiritually dangerous to make false reports, or to in any way engage in misleading pilgrims away from a true message from God. That would be to act in the manner of the serpent of Eden—definitely not a good example to emulate.

“BIG” Message from Medjugorje Expected Tomorrow

What we can confirm is that Blessed Mother is asking for a 9-day novena of prayer and penance for peace. That novena ends tomorrow, June 25th, when Mary customarily gives a monthly message to the world. It is probable that tomorrow’s message will explain the “BIG” news that apparently upset Maria on June 15th.  I will update my blog as soon as the Blessed Mother’s message to the world is published on June 25th.

In the meantime, here is episode 16 of SOUL SCIENCE.  I offer some possible theories about the nature of the upcoming “BIG” news tomorrow. I’ve got some ideas that are more reasonable than “WORLD WAR 3, OH MY!!!” I am also careful to make clear that I am only proposing reasonable theories. I am NOT claiming any supernatural origin for my speculations on this particular matter.

So, without further ado, here is episode 16.

About John Gravino
John Gravino is the author of The Immoral Landscape of the New Atheism, which was the topic of a health and spirituality seminar at Duke Medical School. He continues to explore the intersection of health and religion and the other big questions of life right here at Patheos. You can read more about the author here.
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