August 30, 2014

How You Can Find Evidence to Support Your New Belief Pamala Oslie   When you have a belief, you will find evidence to support that belief.  One of the ways to change a belief is to choose a new belief, find evidence to support the new belief, then begin to act as if this belief is true for you.   Here are some examples:  If you have a judgement that you are stupid and make mistakes, look for evidence to... Read more

July 29, 2014

Changing Consciousness – Changing Us By Pamala Oslie   Many believe that consciousness is shifting. If that’s true, will humans basically be the same, just nicer and more accepting? Or will bigger changes occur? What will we be able to do?   As babies, when we had developed enough to become mobile, we began crawling. Soon after, something inside urged us to stand upright and walk. Why would we go from the stability of hands and knees, firmly supported on... Read more

June 27, 2014

Nature of Reality & Quantum Physics By Pamala Oslie It appears that quantum physics is confirming what spiritual teachers have been trying to teach us for centuries. It looks like “reality” is not what we think it is. It feels exciting to me. Our understanding of life, who we are, and what we can do is evolving. We’re “growing up.” AND I, and many others, are being able to experience much of what physics is explaining. We are each having... Read more

June 18, 2014

A Parallel Universe Story On 05.24.12, In LoveColors Dating Video Blogs, by LoveColors Hi Pam, I have a great story I wanted to share that exemplifies everything you talk about on your show: Last Thursday/Friday I was lamenting because my life was so boring and nothing exciting ever happened to me. And I wanted some excitement in my life. Well.. Saturday night -> Bam… I’m out at a school event , and when its time to leave, I go to... Read more

May 16, 2014

Believe That You Can Do It! By: Pamala Oslie   Most people would find it easy to write a letter but difficult or impossible to build a house or create a large sum of money.  Others find that making money is no problem for them, but finding a partner is a constant dilemma.  There are people who have no problem finding  a partner; their greatest challenge is making enough money to pay their bills.  The degree of difficulty in creating... Read more

April 16, 2014

Welcome to Spring!  What Can Your Personal Aura Colors Bring to This Season?   Spring represents new birth, new life, new creations, new commitments, new perspectives, and new growth! This is the perfect season to bring new life to your dreams. It’s the ideal time to plant seeds of your ideas into the fertile and lush energy of the universe that is all around you. It’s also the time to melt off the old limiting beliefs that have kept you... Read more

April 11, 2014

Spoon Bending – Evidence That Matter is Not Solid By Pamala Oslie   Science has discovered that at the quantum level (the smallest level) everything is made of energy, that our thoughts affect matter and consciousness creates our reality. If at the core of our “physical” world, everything is made of this energy, then there is nothing fundamentally solid about anything.     “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” —Niels Bohr, (1885–1962),... Read more

April 7, 2014

Tips for Yellows – from your fellow Yellows:   You Yellow aura color personalities can be so much fun. You’re life’s optimistic cheerleaders. You enjoy creative projects, physical activities, being in nature, and/or being healers. I know Yellows need sunshine, warmth and nature – and this has been a long, cold winter for many of you. We know you’re ready for spring. So your friends out here are going to offer their support and inspire you to get ready for... Read more

April 2, 2014

Regarding Lavender Aura Color Personalities:   I hope you know what your personal aura colors are. If not, you can take the free quiz at   Do you have a Lavender aura? Or are you married to one? Spring is here – so I thought we’d start with some Spring-like colors.   I have a question for you Lavenders. I know you are creative, imaginative, sensitive and wonderful souls. We haven’t heard from many of you and there are... Read more

April 1, 2014

What are your real but very natural, greater abilities? Some might call the following abilities gifts. For myself, I consider life to be a gift and view the following talents as natural and inherent in each of us. I, and many others, have these abilities, which means all humans have them. You too can activate any of these capabilities at any time. Some people may be more proficient with some of these skills, just as some are more adept at... Read more

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